Go Outside and Play!
That is what my parents said to me growing up
Now Brenda and I play a part in leading an outdoor ministry to college students. We believe this is an important avenue for reaching students today. Even in today's age of connected technology, the typical college student is less and less skilled in truly connecting with others. This provides a culture that leaves a gap between the current state and the true needs of each person relationally and spiritually. That gap is becoming more and more of a challenge for our CRU staff members to hurdle in their quest to reach every student for Christ.
That relational connection, the very agent God uses to transmit the good news of Christ, is the calling Lifelines. The overall mission of CRU is “To help launch and build movements of spiritual multiplication on college campuses so that everyone will know someone who truly follows Jesus Christ.” Lifelines is a proven tool for reaching the hearts of today's student. The growth of Lifelines will mean more lives changed and movements planted. God has called Lifelines to champion experiential learning and adventure ministry. The leadership of CRU has commissioned us to be a group of specialists who will resource the Campus Ministry globally in this endeavor. Here is the experience of David Martinelli, our newly appointed Executive Director of Campus Field Ministries. "Lifelines does an incredible job of bringing the learning environment to a new level. The intentional and challenging outdoor experience coupled with thought-provoking discussion is a powerful combination."